January 2025
Ein Blatt an einem Spinnenfaden, welches sich im Wind bewegt.
Video. Aufnahme: April 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: November, 2022.
Metafaune searches for unseen structures in complex ecosystems. For transparency and transformation. Both in his visual work and his way of living.
Organic material decomposes into newly recycled structures for multipurpose use.
Makrofotografie. 2018. Valle Aranae. Nikon D3200. Tamron Makro Lens, F2.8, 1:1, RAW edit Nov. 2022.
Leaves unfolding, cycles flow. Slightly moving, softly go.
Die leere Hülle einer Libellenlarve hängt in Spinnenseide. Leicht bewegt sie sich im Wind und flackert im reflektierten Licht.
Video. Oktober 2018. Valle Aranae. Nikon D3200. Tamron Makro Lens, F2.8, 1:1, Final cut März 2023.
What remains, past stage of life. Still contains, its form and strive.
Flotsam finding peace in watery tangles. Decomposing.
Nourishing. Multiplying the density of live.
Abgestorbene Blüten und Pflanzenteilen, welche im Wasser liegen und sich im Rhythmus der Wellen bewegen.
Video. Aufnahme: Mai 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Oktober, 2022.
Liquid bloom, no waste, do doom.
Junge Qualquappen liegen auf den restlichen, noch ungeschlüpften Froscheiern. Feines Holzmehl hat sich darauf abgelagert und erzeugt mit der einfallenden Sonne starke Kontraste.
Video. Aufnahme: Mai 2021, Valle Aranae, Sony A7R III, Laowa 2:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Dez. 2022.
Freshly hatched, not yet catched. Getting used to life in sunlight.
Schlammröhrenwürmern welche sich durch Wellenbewegungen Sauerstoff und organisches Material herbeischaffen.
Video. Aufnahme: Mai 2021, Valle Aranae, Sony A7R III, Laowa 2:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Dez. 2022.
Waving waving, worm to worm, slightly glowing, sand and storm.
Eine tote Fliege liegt auf einem Teppich aus Blättern und Blütenstaub, welcher sich mit den Wellen des Wassers bewegt.
Video. Aufnahme: Mai 2021, Valle Aranae, Sony A7R III, Laowa 2:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Feb. 2023.
Iridescent wings, gently moving in its death.
Water floats trough layers of transparent wood, changed into colourful and squishy tissue by bacteria and fungi over time.
Makrovideo von teils transparentem Holz, welches mit einem kleinen Stock aufgewühlt wird.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Oktober, 2022.
Wooden flesh is twirled apart, riped out of its sleep, decades underground.
Durch den flachen Lichtwinkel spiegelt sich der bewölkte Himmel in der Wasseroberfläche, und gibt dem Holz seine stark weisse, glänzende Färbung.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Oktober, 2022.
Once buried underground for decades, the white flesh of trees floats silent and peaceful in soft waters.
Ein kleiner Zweigs auf transparentem Holz, umspült von Holz- und Sandpartikeln.
Video. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: November, 2022.
A little twig lies in water, relaxing in whirls and twirls.
Ein kleiner Spreu einer Buchenknospe hat sich in einem Spinnfaden verfangen, und treibt sanft in der Strömung des Bächleins.
Video. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: November, 2022.
This little tree creature is softly floating up and down. Relaxing in the gentle flow.
Zwei Wasserschnecken paaren sich in seichtem Wasser voller Algen und Sandflöhe. Auf der Wasseroberfläche hat sich ein öliger Bakterienfilm gebildet, der die Schneckenhäuser weiss schimmern lässt.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Februar, 2023.
Celestial beings give birth to a new galaxy.
Trapped in loops and stacked to layers, organic matter moves in a new electronic utopia.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: April, 2023.
Biotope utopia.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: April, 2023.
Eternal storm, eternal light.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Juni 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: April, 2023.
Biofilm, bioheart, radiating, torn appart.
Mirrors, layers, crystal light. Moving bodies, blackest night.
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Oktober 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: April, 2023.
Electronic shifting, cristals lifting,
Videocollage. Aufnahme: Oktober 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: April, 2023.
Spiderline, hyperspine.
Light reflects on scales and crystals, shimmers trough water, flimmers with waves.
Video. Aufnahme: Mai 2018, Valle Aranae, Nikon D3200, Tamron Macro Lens 1:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Nov. 2022.
Dark waves glooming, crystals booming.
Video. Aufnahme: June 2021, Valle Aranae, Sony A7R III, Laowa 2:1, F2.8, Final cut edit: Jan. 2024.
Flicker in the light, moving quick and bright.
The Forest of Valle Aranae differs in a great way from normal forests in urbanized regions. Due to its unreachability, the forest is nearly untouched by humans. Therefore all the remains of animals and plants that die in this forest decompose on top of each other, building complex layers of carbon based structures. These become new homes for countless animals, fungi and plants, living in and from the dead bodies of other inhabitants, creating new organic material themself. Living and dead merge into new structures of stunning complexity and beauty. As i moved trough Valle Aranae, exploring these depths with my camera, i started to unravel more and more of this hidden world. Crouching, lying, waiting, swimming in dirt, wood and water, i started to become part of these structures myself, slowly dissolving the barrier between me and my surrounding.
On my daily trips trough the wild and mysterious forest of Valle Aranae, i discovered a beautiful, sun blazed wetland area, covered all over with horsetail and wild flowers. Old fallen, overgrown trees lying across the little streams and ponds, building natural bridges. In one of these streams, lied an old oak , half buried in earth and water. I accidentally stepped on it. It felt glitchy and soft. So i examine it closer. Where i stepped on the tree, the bark was ripped open, and a white, transparent and glitchy tissue shined trough the water.
When i opened up the bark of the water soaked tree with force, i discovered a wild mess of white and partly transparent wood, ripped in pieces trough my action. I call this tissue white flesh, as it has the properties of flesh, soft and glitchy. It reminded me of raw fish. I stirred it up with a small stick, to unravel the deeper layers of the tree.
After i cleaned the little pond from dirt and leaves, fresh water began to stream over the white tissue. I started examining and record the area from various angles at different times of the day. Between two hours in the afternoon, the sun shone in a low angle, directly true the water onto the white tissue. Bringing out beautiful strong colours, hidden in this transparent wood.
When leaves and dirt where washed away by the gentle stream, the beautiful structure of the wood became visible. Small particles of earth and sand are deposited by the water and build sparkling layers over the wood. I’ve spend multiple days returning to this place to capture the best light and angles. I started cleaning and preparing the wood, removing thin layers of it in every session. That revealed the strong colors and lines formed by resin parts, small knotholes, and deformations in the wood.