META = Altgriechisch (μετά) „nach“, „hinter“, „jenseits“.

Wird in verschiedenen Kontexten verwendet, um auf etwas hinzuweisen, das über das Gewöhnliche oder das Primäre hinausgeht.

In Bereichen wie Informatik, Kunst oder Popkultur wird „Meta“ oft verwendet, um Selbstreferentialität oder eine Reflexion über etwas selbst zu kennzeichnen.

FAUNE = Le faune (männlich), französich.

Bezeichnet ein mythologisches Wesen, ähnlich dem römischen Faun oder dem griechischen Satyr.

In der Kunst und Literatur steht der „faune“ oft als Symbol für ungezähmte Natur und Sinnlichkeit. 

“Le faune est une créature mythologique qui habite les bois.”

FAUNE = La faune (weiblich), französich.

Bezeichnet die Gesamtheit der Tierwelt in einem bestimmten Gebiet oder einer bestimmten Epoche.

In poetischen oder symbolischen Texten kann „faune“ eine Verbindung zwischen der realen Tierwelt und der mystischen, mythischen Welt darstellen. Es wird oft verwendet, um Fantasie und Natur zu verschmelzen.

visual artist, located in Bern, Switzerland.

Metafaune searches for unseen structures in complex ecosystems. For transparency and transformation. Both in his visual work and his way of living. 

„I transform light, ideas and material into new layers of (virtual) reality. This process changes my view, my way of touching and feeling. My senses and therefore my meaning of life.“


My working process includes long periods of searching and gathering raw materials. Following visual and sensual instinct, finding precious moments of light. Be present and record. A second, important stage is the direct use of new records in live settings. Live videomixing, in installations and concerts, gives me the opportunity to get to know my vast base of material and play freely with it. The contrast between artificial surfaces, for example concrete, glas or maintenance infrastructure, and the often biological nature and look of my visual content creates an interesting field of tension. In a third phase, i try to find clear visual ideas. I select favorite content and develop it to a final product. I experiment with new layers, combinations and electronic alteration. True electronic tools and adaptation to screens, the original moment of light gets transformed into new art, standing on its own.


Metafaune was born 1986 in bern. After his primary education as carpenter, he made is bachelor in music, jazz saxophon, at the Hochschule der Künste Bern. He studied and played u.a with Lutz Häfner, Django Bates and Frank Sikora. The death of his beloved brother and the end of a long term relationship towards the end of his master studies at HKB, brought big change and a break in his life. After resuming old childhood dreams, the reawaken desire to work with materials and the inner urge to be more connected to nature, Metafaune spend 2 years, with on and off breaks, in a remote and unaffected forest. By chance, the camera he had with him became a new way of receiving his surroundings. During this two years, he developed the foundation for his future work and way of living.Visual searching and recording quickly became daily practice and builds the core of his schedule up to date. In 2018, Metafaune started a row of collaborations and projects. The most important are INFINITY UNDER NAKED FEET, a video/sound collaboration with Sebastian Bättig, and the live visual and musicvideo production for MIRANDAS ORBIT.


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